Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm Baby sitting for my sister-in-law Angela today so I had to share some pictures of the cousins ! Yes I'm Blogging and watching the kids at the same time. I'm a great baby sitter.

This is Timmy ! He will be 3 in July.
So stinking cute!
OK here is Luke who will be one in one week and his cousin Sam who is 6 months old.
 Can you tell who is taller?

If you can't tell Sam is just a tiny bit taller!
Here is the whole gang!
Spencer, Timmy, Sam, Emma, Luke, Joshua.
Joshua and Luke !

We are having a fun time playing with our cousins and so far everyone is happy!

1 comment:

Wade said...

Thanks for the pictures. What handsome young men. Must be from your side of the family, can't be Jeff's.