Thursday, January 7, 2010


Here is Christmas Morning!

 It was quite interesting trying to figure out how we were going to start our traditions with our family.  Jeff and I grew up doing things different!

Luke and Joshua opening their stockings!

Joshua trying to dump out his goodies!
Santa left Joshua a wooden train set and a desk!
Luke was just happy to climb on all the gifts and to eat the paper!

Joshua opening up presents!

I learned that when Santa leaves you a gift all the other gifts are on the back burner for days later to open . When Joshua saw that train everything else just waited . It was quite funny. I'm so glad I wrapped his presents. Luke loved watching Joshua play with his toys and he really loved to eat the paper. Over all it was a great Christmas and it was so awesome to see my children learning about Christmas.

Thanks to our friend Kathy for the matching p.j.s for the boys they were so cute matching.

1 comment:

Wade said...

What did Jeff get for Christmas? Was it a new baseball?